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Wiosna van Bon (1992) is a half-Polish, half-Dutch photographer who graduated as a documentary photographer at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (NL). Wiosna van Bon is a photographer with a great interest in psychology. Her work is about ethics and people are always in the centre of her projects. She is interested in the lonely individual, separated groups and inequality – specifically in those who, despite everything, preserve. Wiosna van Bon is fascinated in themes such as power, behaviour and identity. She treats her photos like poems in which rhythm, metaphors and symbolism are key factors. In her projects, she combines different mediums including photo books, installations, photography, video, text and found footage. During the research of her subjects, she regularly noticed a shift in her perception and sometimes even in her own opinion. Wiosna van Bon aims her projects would have a similar effect on the viewers, creating both empathy and room for discussion. Currently, she is working as a freelance photographer, both on self-initiated and commissioned projects.